Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 14: The Mayan word for "Caves" is "Actunob"

We continued to excavate today, which is still super fun. Sadly, something I was hoping would be a cache (the Maya left offerings of artifacts on the stairs of buildings sometimes, and we call those groupings caches) turned out to just be one artifact and a bunch of broken rocks, but that's ok. I still found the one artifact, which was really cool!

Today was really cool because our lithics expert, Nick, actually came out into the field and was working with us. He taught us a TON, and would randomly quiz us by handing us a rock or two and asking us which were lithics and which weren't, how they were used, which marking on them was the last, etc. He could tell so much just at first glance! It was superfun. Plus, I'm excited because I'll be working with him for my research project because it includes lithics research. It'll be so fun!

Check out the post below for a taste of the awesomeness that is the ATM Cave. OH! and exciting news, this week we're only working for four days and then we have our long weekend (a tradition among Belizian projects, I guess) which should be really fun. There's a really good chance that I'll be headed with a big group to Guatemala to go see the AMAZING site of Tikal. I'll keep you posted!

Love you,

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