Here's Zena in the main plaza (I really like this picture cuz it looks like she's standing on the bottom edge of the photo)

We took roomie pictures in this ancient Maya stone bed. Marisa and Melody share the other bed in our cabin:

Here's the high temple:

And here's the view FROM it!

Another shot from the high temple, except look, it's Guatemala! The site is about 3 or 400 meters east of the Guatemalan border.

Speaking of Guatemala, a group of us are going there for the long weekend starting tomorrow!!! I'm so excited! We're headed to Tikal, and then we'll hang out in the island town of Flores. I won't be able to update while I'm there but I promise pictures when we get back. I'm so excited!
Love you,
Oh! And PS we did actually work this week. See? Here's proof:

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