Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 17: Rain Day!

It was actually raining so hard today (keep in mind I think it has rained every day but like three since I've been here) that we got to stay back from the field. Big day! We got about halfway to the site (it's a 45 minute bus ride, you'll recall) when the directors made an executive decision that, since the rain probably isn't going to let up all day, we wouldn't go out to the field. To be honest, I'm totally excited about getting a break so that my bugbites can heal!

I don't know what the full plan for today is but we're having a lecture after lunch, which should be good. Honestly, we haven't had that much formal teaching so it's always fun to cement what you've learned in the field. Other than that I've been spending my day researching for my project (using the evidence of lithic tool production or lack thereof at our site to talk about craft specialization in the ancient Maya society overall). I have a lot of work to do so it'll be nice to have some time.

Speaking of the rain, I have to say that I have been loving the climate here in Belize. It was very hot and humid when we first got here, but you get used to the humidity pretty fast and it's not a bother. Also, the hot weather has faded, as the wet season starts, to an extremely pleasant 70 or eighty degrees. Today is the coldest day so far I think and I'm sitting here outside, quite comfy in shorts. So wonderful!

Hopefully I'll get the chance to update more later, we'll see!

Love you,

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